Stacey's Reflection Blog

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Proud to Be...

We all watched Joe profess his love for being a Canadian (Molson Canadian commercial). Loving everything this country has to offer. Every time I watch that commercial, chills run down my spine. Because, yes, I am "Proud to Be Canadian!" There's more to it than that though. I'm not proud to be Canadian because I was born into Canadian culture. I am proud to be Canadian for the fact that this country has so much to offer. The fact that Canada is so diverse and promotes this diversity. That is what I am proud of. If I look at myself, I would be considered a mutt. A little bit of everything makes me up. I'm Irish, English, Hungarian, French, Iroquois, Jewish, etc. All of this makes me into a true Canadian. The fact that it would be almost impossible to trace back my family history because my family is from EVERYWHERE! I look around this country, and the diversity is what makes it so beautiful. Embarking on a career in Education allows me to continue to see, grow, and learn from all that this amazing country has to offer. When it all comes down to it, I am extremely proud to be, everything that makes me ME!


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