Stacey's Reflection Blog

Monday, April 04, 2005

Tech Task #7

Alright, so Easter Sunday I spent on TappedIn. The session was actually not that great. The only reason I chose it was because it was the only one I was able to particpate in in March. The whole thing was about blogging. As soon as I signed in, the people in the room basically attacked me. They were asking me all of these questions about why I was there and how I used blogging. I explained ECMP 455 to them and about my various blogging experiences. At the same time, I was talking to Alec on MSN. I told him about the session and he decided to join. Basically the praise went over to him (because he actually knew what he was talking about) and I just sort of listened in and commented where necessary. I did not actually learn very much except for the fact that Americans do not know that much about blogging. It was kind of sad actually. In my eyes, they also did not understand how to effectively incorporate technology into the classroom, thinking that all students will have access to computers at all times. Due to the fact that I participated in the iTed research project, I think I have more of a heads up on how to use technology effectively and realistically in the classroom. I think participating in this session was not necessarily beneficial. However, I do feel that there probably were some beneficial TappedIn sessions that people may have participated in. I think the service is great for teachers if you are able to discuss things that are relevant to you and your needs.


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