Henry Burris ... Seriously #1?
Alright Burris fans, can anyone tell me what just happened? Or how about we start with the definition of Rider Pride? Or Rider Nation? Do we see greed, being selfish or shallow anywhere? Even in the fine print? Personally, Henry Burris was my first favourite quarterback. I fell in love with the game because of him. He was a vast step up from Greene and truly added to the amount of Rider Fans in the stands. Calgary makes him an offer, and boom, he's gone. I'm sorry, did I miss something somewhere? Have we won the Grey Cup he promised us? Do you honestly believe Nealone would play more games than you? The way I look at it, if you want to head to Calgary for the money Burris, be gone! That's definitely not anywhere in the definition of Rider Pride. We are in a province where good football teams are built, not bought. I'm sorry if $400,000 a year isn't quite enough for you to raise a family on. I mean, my parents work their asses off and make a decent annual income, have raised three children, and I know we're not cheap. So $400,000 isn't enough for a wife and a baby on the way? My god, this isn't Hollywood! Oh, I also forgot the free vehicles, housing, and off season jobs. Nicole must be really happy! Let's just say I'm quite excited to sit through Calgary vs. Saskatchewan football games. Whether we win or lose, you don't piss Rider fans off. Burris, as far as I'm concerned, you will not be welcomed back to Regina with open arms. You've let a nation of fans down, but we're happy your wallet will be full! I hope this is the beginning of the end of your lucky streak. Let's see if you really deserve to wear a #1 on your jersey. Just remember one thing Burris, Calgary was quick to sell out Khari Jones, and they won't hesitate to do the same to you.