Stacey's Reflection Blog

Monday, February 28, 2005

Henry Burris ... Seriously #1?

Alright Burris fans, can anyone tell me what just happened? Or how about we start with the definition of Rider Pride? Or Rider Nation? Do we see greed, being selfish or shallow anywhere? Even in the fine print? Personally, Henry Burris was my first favourite quarterback. I fell in love with the game because of him. He was a vast step up from Greene and truly added to the amount of Rider Fans in the stands. Calgary makes him an offer, and boom, he's gone. I'm sorry, did I miss something somewhere? Have we won the Grey Cup he promised us? Do you honestly believe Nealone would play more games than you? The way I look at it, if you want to head to Calgary for the money Burris, be gone! That's definitely not anywhere in the definition of Rider Pride. We are in a province where good football teams are built, not bought. I'm sorry if $400,000 a year isn't quite enough for you to raise a family on. I mean, my parents work their asses off and make a decent annual income, have raised three children, and I know we're not cheap. So $400,000 isn't enough for a wife and a baby on the way? My god, this isn't Hollywood! Oh, I also forgot the free vehicles, housing, and off season jobs. Nicole must be really happy! Let's just say I'm quite excited to sit through Calgary vs. Saskatchewan football games. Whether we win or lose, you don't piss Rider fans off. Burris, as far as I'm concerned, you will not be welcomed back to Regina with open arms. You've let a nation of fans down, but we're happy your wallet will be full! I hope this is the beginning of the end of your lucky streak. Let's see if you really deserve to wear a #1 on your jersey. Just remember one thing Burris, Calgary was quick to sell out Khari Jones, and they won't hesitate to do the same to you.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Tech Task #4

I chose to use the module Kids for Sale. I felt these materials would be quite useful in a classroom. I believe it exposes kids to the "other" things they should look for when surfing the net. I know I'm guilty of it, and I'm sure everyone else is too, but how many times do we all skip the fine print? Apparently, through this presentation, it's obvious we could get ourselves into quite a bit of trouble that way. I think the power point would be great to use in a classroom, because most students are probably familiar with the listed sites, as well as the fact that the presentation is child friendly. I think this presentation is great for getting kids aware of what they are getting themselves into when it comes to registering for things on the Internet. I feel there should be a larger focus on the viruses that can be obtained from such sites or programs. For example, ICQ. Even downloading the program onto your computer can leave you with virsuses. Or the fact that people can send you files through the internet or MSN and they can be contained with virsuses as well. This power point should have given kids the other side - what happens after your register for something, what happens after you download an executable file, what happens when you open uncensored email, etc. I do like how the presentation discusses the fact that kids are attracted to certain characters, or restaurants, and marketers know this, and use it in order to get that child based audience. Kids see a symbol they are familiar with and feel safe because of it. If we bring this to their attention, and show kids what to do and what to look for when they are on the Internet, this media awareness may prevent future mishaps on the Internet. I find that parents do not realize what their children are being exposed to on the Internet all the time. Possibly sharing this PowerPoint with them would be a good way for them to take a step in educating their children of the dangers of the Internet, and what is and isn't acceptable. I feel that there are great ways to put this PowerPoint to use, and it's something I would seriously consider using in the future.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


When does it become too much? How do you feel when things are expected of you all of the time? Why is it that people think the only thing that should matter in your life is the stuff that you do for them? Take work for instance. You walk in the doors and you're expected to devote your entire shift to them. You're not to be late, take long breaks, or leave early. If you're feeling sick, you can only go home when they decide the needs of the business have been met. If you call in sick, you get reprimanded for it, and your hours get cut. Whether you have assignments coming out of your ass, or your sicker than a dog, you're expected to be there. Even though this is a place you KNOW you would never be working at 10 years from now. Let's talk University. First of all, TUITION! Please tell me, what student in their right mind can afford $5000.00 in tuition a year? On top of that, comes the cost of books and parking passes. If you're not living at home, there's rent and bills. For most of us, we also need to upkeep cars, and they're usually not the nice new ones. What other choice do most of us have but to work? You could be insanely crazy like me and work 3 jobs, volunteer with an ESL learner, and take 5 classes. In those classes, the professors believe their class is the only one that matters. They pile on the assignments, not realizing that you also have 4 other classes going on at the same time. Not to forget, the demands of finding a job, AND creating a portfolio. Where is their time to meet all of these expectations? When did it come to be that we need 25 hours in a day just to meet the demands of tomorrow? We are but one person, trying to survive, in order to meet the expectations of everyone else in our life. Let me leave you with this. When did it stop being important to have time for yourself? Do any of us actually know who we are anymore?