Personal Trainers
Alright, so a personal trainer is every girls' dream! In the way that we want to be worked out by one... On a serious note though, and especially after watching the Biggest Loser, who wouldn't want somebody "yelling" at them to push themselves? I know that when I go to the gym, I'm totally on my agenda, and do whatever I want and however many I want. With a trainer you don't have that option. You hear the encouragement constantly at my gym. Even when the people being trained feel as though they can't do it. My big issue though is the fact that these gentlemen intimidate me! Yes Chad, even you! When I'm working out near a trainer, I feel inadequate and as though I'm doing everything wrong (and as much as I complain, yes, I love when I'm corrected!) I have found that on Thursdays though, it's like a gang-up of trainers in the Women's Only! Every Thursday, all 3 trainers are working upstairs when I'm there to do my weights. I feel as though I'm doing everything wrong and cut my workouts short! It's ridiculous! The upside of all this though is the entertainment value of being surrounded by 3 trainers! First of all, you can see that they have a good relationship. Secondly, the stuff that they make their clients do is hilarious! I'm sure if I tried it, I'd notice a much larger difference in myself, but I would feel ridiculous! :) This one lady is embarrassed the whole time she is working out and you can see it written all over her face. It's hilarious. I feel her pain as I watch her, but envy the work she's doing on her thighs! So, this is a rant and rave and a little proclamation of jealousy! To sum it up, I wish I had what they have (the encouragement and the push), however, I don't envy the "goofy" things they have to do! How do you overcome the embarrassment of actually having a great workout? How do you push yourself without the trainer?