Pre-Race Anxiety!
So here I am the night before my 10KM race. This is a time when I should be feeling excited and relaxed, but of course, I'm choking on my anxiety instead. I haven't quite figured out why it is that I get so nervous before race day. Even a few weeks before. I know I can do it. I've done it before, but instead I question my own ability to run. I run for the enjoyment of it. I don't run to compete with anybody except myself. My goal is always to beat my previous time, and so far, I've been successful at doing that. So, why the struggle? Is it common for most people to feel nervous? Is it common for people care as much as I do? It's not as though others are judging me. People are nothing but supportive when you're racing. Strangers are cheering you on and clapping for you. It's truly a great feeling! So my goal is to be in bed in the next hour, and try to sleep peacefully. I want to feel great about tomorrow, and I'd love to finish in an hour! That would be a dream come true!